The FLM Series is a heavy duty flail mower available in a center mount, FLM-185 (71") or a hydraulic offset version, FLM-220H (87"). The FLM Series Flail Mowers are suitable for tractors 30-60HP.
More Info » Place an Order »Tar River Implements 3 pt. Flail Mowers are an excellent choice for maintaining vegetation such as grass, overgrown brush, vines around fields, orchards and vineyards. The TREF Series, Light Duty Flail Mowers are suitable for tractors 15-25 HP. The TRMF Series, Medium Duty Flail Mowers are suitable for tractors 25-45 HP.
More Info » Place an Order »The Tar River hydraulic offset pivoting ditch bank mower is the ideal machine to maintain ditches or embankments around your property. Hook up to the standard 3 point like a normal flail mower that is pulled directly behind the tractor. When in the full operating position the TRDB-053 & TRDB-063 will mow 90° up and 30° down, while the TRDB-069 will mow 90° up and 35° down. All models come standard with heavy hammer knives and a perfectly balanced rotor for a smooth operation.
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